Having to declutter and transform your garden every year to enjoy it in the summer months can be exhausting, and even just overwhelming to simply think about. Fortunately, if you can learn how to maintain your garden properly, then you won’t have to go through that ordeal every year, and you can utilize the outdoor space all year round if you want to. Your garden is a luxury and should be seen as a space that extends from your home. You can use this to grow your own herbs, enjoy your morning coffee, or host al fresco dinner parties for your friends. The possibilities of having a nice garden are endless, but only if it is well maintained.
If the thought of preparing your garden every year causes you stress, here are some top tips to help you maintain your garden all year round instead.
Set the standard
You can only maintain a garden if you have a nice garden to maintain. You are going to have to put in a little work at the start, to clear out your garden and set the standard. Once you have done this step once, you won’t have to do it again. Take a look at your garden and consider what work needs doing. Do you need to hire a professional tree lopping services to cut back the overgrown branches and create more space? Do you need to clear out all the clutter in the garden that is old and broken? Do you need to get rid of the dead plants, and grow new ones?
Once you have figured out what your garden needs to align with how you want to use the space, you should invest the time and money in creating the space you desire.
Consider the needs of your garden
When you are setting up your space, you should consider how much work is going to be needed to maintain it. You should balance this with how much time you have, and how much time you want to invest in it. There’s no point in creating a garden that needs 5 hours a day of work if you have a full-time job. You need to set realistic expectations if you want your garden to look good all year round, and create a space that is easy to maintain.
For example, you should consider the plants that you want to grow and how much maintenance they require. You can opt for plants that are low maintenance, such as strawberries, bergenias, hardy geraniums, and bulbs. If you have more time on your hands, you can opt for more complex plants such as ivy, bamboo, and butterfly bush.
You should also consider your setup. For example, if you are going to use your garden to dine outside, then you should set up a space that can easily be moved around and put away at the end of the night and is protected when the weather is bad. This setup will create little maintenance work for you.
Once you have set up a low maintenance garden and understand the tasks you need to complete to maintain it, you should be consistent and do these on a regular basis. This will make your life much easier.